Reduce costs of over fertililzation, pest management, and water usage
Up to 2/3 of synthetic fertilizer doesn't reach the plants making your nutrient costs increase 2-3x. The right bacteria and fungi can capture and release those excess nutrients when the plants need them as well as protect your plants from pests and also retain more water.
Spend less time micromanaging your grow and your nutrients.
Our nutrient system is designed to be easy to use and flexibile for any grow. Our microbes and the plant roots are continuously talking to eachother to insure maximum plant growth.
Here's what our customers think
“I had a clone success rate of nearly 100% compared to 90% using Clone-x”
“The roots in my clones in our aeroponic system started growing 2-4 days earlier and grew twice as fast compared to Clone-X.”
“You couldn’t ask for anything more in a veg stage product.”
“Elm Dirt’s products provided the best aromatic profile true to each strain grown and the best bag appeal.”
“After trying all of the organic supplements on the market, Elm Dirt’s products are simple and effective and provide the best final product from my cannabis plants.”
"Cannabis clone update. Left is control, right is feed with Elm Dirt Plant Booster and planted in 20% Ancient Earth. Approximately 1 week ahead of schedule in early veg stage."
"I can now say, unequivocally, that both plants being fed TerraCrave Plant Juice, are dramatically less susceptible to pests (particularly spider mites)"
Flexible for all nutrient irrigation systems
Wheather you use soil drench, drip irrigation, hydroponics, folier spray, or any other method, we are flexible for your irrigation system.
Personalized nutrient solutions custom for your grow
We will analyzle and collaborate with your team to create a tailored nutrient system that will continiously improve grow after grow. From soil to hydroponics we are invested in your grow.
Build out a Fuller Terpine profile
Living Soil without the guess work. Grow like mother nature intended
Rich with plant growth promoting bacteria and fungi
Create more robust, stronger, and more resistant plants